Hey there, we are co.brick.

We are a team of experienced technology and business people, who are building a unique, high quality, full stack R&D hub, and a community of creators and entrepreneurs around it.
The founders of co.brick met at hybris, a successful and legendary ecommerce software vendor, which they’ve developed from a startup into an established and powerful enterprise company, later acquired by SAP. Over many years they have worked closely together, built great friendships, trustful relationships and learned a lot about growth and scalability.
Our company operates in three main areas. We deliver cloud-native services, know-how, best practises and development capabilities. We also create co.brick platform, where our activities where our activities focus on developing tools dedicated to startups. Finally, our venture building program helps founders turn their ideas into functioning businesses and start operating.
We are co.brick because we love to collaborate,
co-build. Step by step. Brick by brick. And create big things together, as a team. And we are nice people too. Our community is built upon our five core values. Read on below.

Our core values
Here are some of the values we live by. This is how we do our work, this is what co.brick stands for. Learn about our company culture.

This is our primary value, our starting point. We respect each other. We respect you, your company and your ideas. We are open and tolerant. Good atmosphere and good relations are important to us.

We like what we do. Our work means continuous professional and personal development to us. We do it out of passion. Because of that it’s meaningful. It gives us satisfaction.
You’ll notice it quite fast.

At co.brick you’re not an individual, you are a brick, a physical part of a bigger construction. We are in this together, we support you, share our knowledge and expertise.
We trust and help each other. We’ve got each other’s backs.

We are confident about what we’re doing. This confidence is based on competence and experience.
We’ve got the courage to support you because we know how to do that.
We take responsibility for what we’re doing, act fast and don’t waste your time.

Our work is fun for us. It’s important for us that it gives us joy. We want our work to not only contribute something good to the world, but also to us personally. We take pleasure in what we are doing, work in a great atmosphere and build good relations.
Meet the bricks

Rafał Bałaga
Co-Founder & CEO

Carsten Thoma
Co-Founder & Backbone

Dirk Ahlrichs
Co-Founder & Tech Wizard

Andreas Bucksteeg
Co-Founder & Cloud God

Christian Flaccus
Co-Founder & Brand Black Belt

Anna Nikiel
Sales Manager

Kuba Nagórski
Lead Venture Building

Jagoda Zawadowska
Operations Specialist

Marek Koniew
Senior Cloud Architect
Good people, right?
Want to work with us?