We are a group of people who were #bravenough to take responsibility
for our career, left corporation rules,
and started making things
we can be proud of.
We are a group of people
who is #bravenough to start
making things we can be proud of!

From our experience, we know that success requires
difficult decisions to make, but we’re #bravenough to go on!
6 facts about our business model
We’re partnering with startups all over the world to develop innovative cloud-native solutions.
We are building our own product – an ML-based tool that will give constant insights of all IT operations.
We transform ideas into successful businesses during an acceleration program tailor-made for each startup.
In our work, we use only the newest technologies, such as GO, ML, AI, JS, and .NET.
Our people have already built several companies from early startup days to enterprise-grade.
We have some experience that helps us in mitigating some risks while developing the next innovative product.
Are you #bravenough to go beyond the level of Senior IT Developer?
We have some options for those who feel stuck in their careers.
We literally break the glass ceiling in the IT industry.
In co.brick you may contribute to the startup ecosystem by becoming either a mentor, an IT project leader or even an investor. You can also switch your career path and become an entrepreneur who will participate in the acceleration program for the early-stage startups created by co.brick venture building.
4 possibilities for further development:

You share knowledge not only with your mates but also with startup founders and become a mentor of co.brick venture building accelerator.

You change your idea into a prosperous business and get on the startup life track (with co.brick venture building).

You become either a team lead or a lead of the subsidiary created by our Partner in Poland which puts you on the management track.

It is a future promise, but just for your information we are planning to open
a micro-fund where every employee will be invited to put a dime or two.
Bravery is one of our core values.
This is the reason why the #bravenough was born.
For us it does not matter if you are managing a team, writing code or analyzing data. It matters what values you live by.
Being brave has different meanings. And this is good because in co.brick we appreciate diversity and individual passion. We value each and every approach to bravery.
What is more… we appreciate bravery, not only at work.
Are you ready to join #bravenough people?